Tag Archives: short story

Story/ Script Ideas: Zombie Miscarriage and the Secret Fiancee

8 Mar

Here are some ideas I’ve been kicking around for stories, but I’m not sure yet what to do with them. Check them out.

1. It is the zombie apocalypse. It has been for a while, so people have had time to set up compounds to keep the zombies out. There’s this girl that is just a couple months pregnant, and she begins to miscarry. She gets everything out, and is really heartbroken, of course, but then the little fetus starts to squirm around. It’s a zombie! Whaaaaaaat! I don’t know what happens after this. I think the mom would keep it. Maybe put it in a jar and keep it with her. I mean, it’s too little to have teeth. Eventually it would deteriorate, though. I guess you could argue that it’s inside the womb, so it won’t be a zombie, but in that case you’re assuming that the virus is only airborne. I say, what if you breathe it in or whatever, and it gets into the blood stream and hibernates until brain function ceases? And that’s why you don’t have to be bit to turn into a zombie when you die. Being bit just gives people a huge dose of active virus, which speeds up the process of zombifying. Fetuses get their mother’s blood up in them, I’m pretty sure, so they would have the virus in them, so it stands to reason that it could go zombie in the womb if it dies. BAM! Plausible.

This story may be in poor taste, but I think that it’s a very interesting idea. I would like to expand upon it one day.

2. So, I had this dream the other night. In it, my hubs was my boyfriend, and he had another girlfriend that he was making an engagement ring for. It was black, with a rose print. I was kind of jealous he was making her a ring, but he told me not to worry. He owed Crystal a lot, and had promised to marry her. The next morning, while I was showering away the filthy feeling of being the other woman, a thought occurred to me. What would it be like to be in a loving, committed relationship with a guy, who for some reason, felt obligated to marry a girl he wasn’t even romantic with? And my little brain started churning. What if there had been a girl that he had grown up with, and when they were 13, something happened to her. She got in an accident or discovered she had a rare disease, or something that would make it so that she could never grow up and have a normal relationship. Perhaps she became brain damaged, or had to be hooked up constantly to a machine to survive? I don’t know if accidents or diseases like this exist, but just pretend. Maybe it takes place in the past and she had some really bad Polio (that would be biting off of Dean Koontz’s “From The Corner Of His Eye”, though). Anyways, she is heartbroken. Let’s call her Megan. Megan cries and cries and tells her friend, let’s call him Todd, that the worst part is that no one will ever marry her. And, because Todd loves her (not romantically), he promises that he will. Then, he grows up. His fiancee is in a nursing home thing where she can be cared for all the time, and he lives a normal life. He finishes high school, goes to college, and meets a girl that he really loves. Let’s call her Cassandra. Todd doesn’t tell Cassandra at first that he’s going to marry Megan, and he doesn’t tell Megan about his girlfriend, because he doesn’t want her to feel like she’s holding him back from being happy. But eventually the girlfriend figures out that something is going on, and she finds out that she’s the other woman. She goes to tell the fiancee what a pig her boyfriend is, and that’s when he discovers that the fiancee is bedridden and very sick. Maybe she has hallucinations, too. I don’t know. Is there such a thing as early onset dementia? Anyways, by then Megan has intuited that there was a girlfriend, and she begs Cassandra not to leave the guy. But, she admits that planning their wedding is the best part of her life. It gives her something to be excited about, even if she knows they aren’t in love, and she wants it so badly- this one normal thing. Cassandra doesn’t know what to do. She loves Todd, but she can’t stand the idea of him being married to someone else. Eventually, she decides to stay with him, and tries to build a relationship with Megan. It’s hard, though, because she knows that Megan gets to be married to the man Cass loves. The wedding is held, and Megan politely takes the ring off when Cassandra is visiting, but Cassandra tells her not to take it off anymore. Cassandra and Todd have a kid, and Megan cries because she’ll never be able to have a baby with a man who actually loves her. And then I don’t know where it would go from there.  I don’t even know if I would include all of those details. It would be a very interesting story or movie, though, in my opinion.